Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Spring is on the way!

The existing bulbs that were in the front yard are starting to stretch up from their long winters naps.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Landmark Fountains

The last time the temperature dropped below 30 degrees the building staff left the fountain water running and you can see what happened. I drive past this place everday back and forth to work and always stopped to look at the fountains. Can't wait until the garden comes into bloom in the small fenced in area next to the building.

Cumberland County Rest Stop on the I-95

Friday, January 28, 2011

Lost opportunity

Yesterday while driving to Whiteville, NC for a site visit for work, I came across something that I thought was very cool and wanted to take a picture. I was traveling on a small two lane road through the country side of Eastern NC and came across an old gas station. It was covered in growth and trees had grown up around it. There were two old gas pumps still there all rusty and covered in cutzo (not sure how to spell this nasty stuff). I did not want to be late for my appointment so I decided I would stop on the way back to the office and take a picture.

Here is the down side to my waiting.... I could not find the darn thing again on the way back!!!!!! So I have learned my lesson and will stop and take a picture of something that interest me for now on my matter what.

I ended up taking pictures around the Cumberland County rest stop on the I-95 instead. Will upload some of them later tonight.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


This guy was such a ham!

These two girls were in a field behind the Wall family cemetary. They came over to the fence edge to see me. Think they might have been more hungry then curious.